Black cats are the most popular Halloween costume choice for both elementary-aged children and women in their first year of college.
In certain regions of the globe, it is believed that black cats can improve your romantic life.
Historically, sailors brought cats onboard ships to prevent rodents from destroying food supplies or causing damage to the vessel.
The genetic mutations that give black cats their coats may provide some protection against disease. In fact, the mutations influence.
The affected fur will remain discolored, but will be replaced by black fur once it is removed.
Where black cats are commonly associated with poor luck, this is not the case elsewhere.
While numerous cat breeds allow solid black as an acceptable coat color, being a black cat is not a distinct breed.
A snow-covered black and white Norwegian Forest cat. When it comes to feline coat color, black is innately predominate.
A snow-covered black and white Norwegian Forest cat. When it comes to feline coat color, black is innately predominate.
Although feline eye color ranges widely, the overwhelming majority of black cats have yellow or golden eyes.
National Black Cat Day honors the black cat in an effort to dispel superstitions about ill luck.
Observing a solid black cat in direct sunlight may reveal faint patterns within the fur.
Although black is genetically dominant as a fur color, the striped tabby pattern is genetically dominant as a fur pattern.