When your digestive system is out of whack, your stomach lining can become damaged and you may acquire weight due to improper calorie management.
The combination of bananas and milk is one example of a food pairing that may be detrimental to your health.
This classic breakfast staple, which is enjoyed by many, may not be as good a choice as you believe.
If you combine two foods from the same food group, such as carbohydrates, you have a greater chance of overeating one nutrient .
While it may hurt your heart to read this, eating chips and salsa may hinder your weight loss efforts.
The chips and salsa combination not only has a high sodium content, but it can also contribute to overeating and further weight gain.
A dish that warms our souls, but is not at all helpful for those attempting to lose weight.
Most canned tomato soups are surprisingly high in sugar due to the addition of high fructose corn syrup, and grilled cheese is high in fat, carbs, but low in protein.
In addition to weight gain, foods high in sodium have been linked to high blood pressure, stroke, and cardiac disease.
Consuming only oatmeal and dried fruit will provide some fiber, but almost no protein and fat.
This combination can also increase blood sugar and insulin, a hormone that may promote fat storage.
Low-fat proteins and fats, such as Greek yogurt, nuts, and seeds, to balance it out keep blood sugar stable.